I'd like to wish everyone a happy, and healthy New Year! May we enjoy a year filled with peace and good will towards our fellow man! Love, Petra
a writer's potpourri of short stories, poetry, current events, & personals
I'd like to pass the Blog Love Award along to all who stop by. Thank you again, MZ! :))
Take a special Christmas Tour in Bloggyland with Cynthia of Muse Swings and her elves. Travel from blog to blog to see what wonderful things our fellow bloggers have done to celebrate the Holidays.
Below is a fest of Holiday films for your enjoyment. Whether between festivities or at the end of the day, I hope you enjoy some all-around favorites!
in Babes in Toyland
"Christmas in July?"
"Every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings.
Dudley, the mischievous angel.
Christmas is all around us!
"It's the Santa Anna winds. Anything can happen!"
"Good night." "Sweet dreams."
To quote Janeen, "the Proximidade focuses not on the glory and fanfare of blogging but in the proximity to one another through this online world."
"Blogs who receive this award are exceedingly charming, say its authors. They aren't interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement but to propogate friendships."
Deliver this award to 8 bloggers who then choose 8 more.
This has always been the hardest for me as I see all on my bloglist in this way.
1) Sandy at I Beati - A Meeting Place to Share Our Blessings and Laugh A Little !!
2) Tipper at The Blind Pig and the Acorn
3) Mary Lou at Buttercream Cottage
4) Rowena at Rubber Slippers in Italy
5) Mama Zen at The Zen of Motherhood
6) Enzie at World Market Portraits
7) Chandini at Reading, Writing, and More
8) Poetikat at Poetikat's Invisible Keepsakes
A few more, I promise!
9) Tammy at A Little Girl Talk
10) PV at Finding Me
11) LarryG at Yesterday, Today, and Forever
12) Borut at The Hoo of Haiku
13) Bulletholes at Bulletholes in the Mailbox
14) Beatrice at Poetry for a Night Owl
15) White Rose at White Rose's Garden
16) Peter of Detectives Beyond Borders
I could go on and on!
Thank you again, Janeen!