Monday, October 20, 2014

WWF: World has lost more than half its wildlife in 40 years

London (CNN) -- The world's animal population has halved in 40 years as humans put unsustainable demands on Earth, a new report warns.

The South China tiger is considered "functionally extinct,"
as it has not been sighted in the wild for more than
25 years.

The World Wide Fund for Nature's Living Planet Index, released Tuesday, revealed the dramatic decline in animal species, and said the trend could cost the world billions in economic losses.
Humans need one and a half Earths to sustain their current demands, it said.


The index, which draws on research around WWF's database of 3,000 animal species, is released every two years. This year's has the starkest warning yet of the risks associated with the decline of wildlife.
The population of Yangtze finless porpoises is declining rapidly. The freshwater dolphins are suffering due to pollution and hunting.
The fund notes that it's relying on a never-before-used methodology in this year's report, "which aims to be more representative of global biodiversity."
The index showed shows a 52% decline in wildlife between 1970 and 2010, far more than earlier estimates of 30%. It is due to people killing too many animals for food and destroying their habitats.
"We are eating into our natural capital, making it more difficult to sustain the needs of future generations," the report said.
Researchers from the Zoological Society of London looked at changes in populations of more than 3,000 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish, tracking over 10,000 different populations.
The decline in animals living in rivers, lakes and wetlands is the worst -- 76% of freshwater wildlife disappeared in just 40 years. Marine species and animals living on land suffered 39% decline in their populations.
Animals living in tropics are the worst hit by what WWF calls "the biggest recorded threats to our planet's wildlife" as 63% of wildlife living in tropics has vanished. Central and South America shows the most dramatic regional decline, with a fall of 83%.
And while the animals are suffering now, the long-term impact will be on people, the report said.
Marco Lambertini, director general of WWF International, said "protecting nature is not a is quite the opposite. For many of the world's poorest people, it is a lifeline."
According to Lambertini, the threat to oceans could create economic losses of up to $428 billion by 2050. The global fishing sector employs more than 660 million people, and fish provide more than 15% of protein in people's diet.
Global food security is under threat as the demands of growing population drain the resources. Forests provide water, fuel and food for more than billion people, including 350 million of the world's poorest people.


FELLOW HUMANS:  This is dire!  A recommendation:

FOR ONE DAY (per week, per month?), each individual, each company can STOP! 


 WWF Species Directory
Common name Scientific name Conservation status
Amur LeopardPanthera pardus orientalisCritically Endangered
Black RhinoDiceros bicornisCritically Endangered
Cross River GorillaGorilla gorilla diehliCritically Endangered
Hawksbill TurtleEretmochelys imbricataCritically Endangered
Javan RhinoRhinoceros sondaicusCritically Endangered
Leatherback TurtleDermochelys coriaceaCritically Endangered
Mountain GorillaGorilla beringei beringeiCritically Endangered
SaolaPseudoryx nghetinhensisCritically Endangered
South China TigerPanthera tigris amoyensisCritically Endangered
Sumatran Elephant Elephas maximus sumatranusCritically Endangered
Sumatran OrangutanPongo abeliiCritically Endangered
Sumatran RhinoDicerorhinus sumatrensisCritically Endangered
Sumatran TigerPanthera tigris sumatraeCritically Endangered
VaquitaPhocoena sinusCritically Endangered
Western Lowland GorillaGorilla gorilla gorillaCritically Endangered
Yangtze Finless PorpoiseNeophocaena asiaeorientalis ssp. asiaeorientalisCritically Endangered
African Wild DogLycaon pictusEndangered
Amur TigerPanthera tigris altaicaEndangered
Asian ElephantElephas maximus indicusEndangered
Bengal TigerPanthera tigris tigrisEndangered
Black Spider MonkeyAteles paniscusEndangered
Black-footed FerretMustela nigripesEndangered
Blue WhaleBalaenoptera musculusEndangered
Bluefin TunaThunnus sppEndangered
BonoboPan paniscusEndangered
Bornean OrangutanPongo pygmaeusEndangered
Borneo Pygmy ElephantElephas maximus borneensisEndangered
ChimpanzeePan troglodytesEndangered
Eastern Lowland GorillaGorilla beringei graueriEndangered
Fin WhaleBalaenoptera physalusEndangered
Galápagos PenguinSpheniscus mendiculusEndangered
Ganges River DolphinPlatanista gangetica gangeticaEndangered
Giant PandaAiluropoda melanoleucaEndangered
Green TurtleChelonia mydasEndangered
Hector's DolphinCephalorhynchus hectoriEndangered
Humphead WrasseCheilinus undulatusEndangered
Indian ElephantElephas maximus indicusEndangered
Indochinese TigerPanthera tigris corbettiEndangered
Indus River DolphinPlatanista minorEndangered
Loggerhead TurtleCaretta carettaEndangered
Malayan TigerPanthera tigris jacksoniEndangered
North Atlantic Right WhaleEubalaena glacialisEndangered
OrangutanPongo abelii, Pongo pygmaeusEndangered
Sea LionsZalophus wollebaekiEndangered
Sei WhaleBalaenoptera borealisEndangered
Snow LeopardPanthera unciaEndangered
Sri Lankan ElephantElephas maximus maximusEndangered
WhaleBalaenoptera, Balaena, Eschrichtius, and EubalaenEndangered
African ElephantLoxodonta africanaVulnerable
Bigeye TunaThunnus obesus                               Vulnerable
DugongDugong dugon                               Vulnerable
Forest Elephant
Giant Tortoise
Great White SharkCarcharodon carcharias                                Vulnerable
Greater One-Horned RhinoRhinoceros unicornis                                 Vulnerable
Irrawaddy DolphinOrcaella brevirostris                                 Vulnerable
Marine IguanaAmblyrhynchus cristatus                                 Vulnerable
Olive Ridley TurtleLepidochelys olivacea                                  Vulnerable
Polar BearUrsus maritimus                                   Vulnerable
Red PandaAilurus fulgens                                  Vulnerable
Savanna ElephantLoxodonta africana Africana                                  Vulnerable
Southern rockhopper penguinEudyptes chrysocome                                  Vulnerable
Whale SharkRhincodon typus                                  Vulnerable
Albacore TunaThunnus alalunga                                   Near Threatened
BelugaDelphinapterus leucas                                   Near Threatened
Greater Sage-GrouseCentrocercus urophasianus                                   Near Threatened
JaguarPanthera onca                                   Near Threatened
Monarch ButterflyDanaus plexippus                                   Near Threatened
Mountain PloverCharadrius montanus                                   Near Threatened
NarwhalMonodon monoceros                                   Near Threatened
Plains BisonBison bison bison                                   Near Threatened
White RhinoCeratotherium simum                                   Near Threatened
Yellowfin TunaThunnus albacares                                   Near Threatened

...and HUMANS!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe it Petra! What is the WWF? They can measure this fact with certainty? Because if it's true, we're in deep doo doo.

This is a lot to take in! I know we've been warned of climate change for a long time, but this just cannot be true?!

K. :(

Ron said...

Petra, as sad and difficult as this is to read, I thank you for publishing it because as you shared, this is dire!

Between the pollution, poaching producing, and consuming PPPC, we're draining our resources with carelessness.

Again, thank you for sharing this information, my friend!

petra michelle; Whose role is it anyway? said...

Hi, K. Yes, it's hard to believe. When I became involved in the environment, it was the 60's when the scientists were warning then about the near extinction of many animals and worldwide pollution.

The WWF is the World Wide Fund for Nature, a nature conservation organization previously named the World Wildlife Fund.

It's a highly respected and reliable organization which began in the 60's; its headquarters are in Switzerland.

I knew we were heading in this direction but had no idea how severe it was when the report came out.

Our generation has lived a relatively good life. It's our future generations that I'm concerned with. I don't know how many times it's come up with my nieces and nephews, how important it is they get involved because it's all they have.

Not enough in power are doing enough. I'm very concerned,
K. :((

petra michelle; Whose role is it anyway? said...

Hi, Ron. Yes, it was very difficult to read but easy to post because how else will we do what we must and need to know. I truly believe it's overwhelming for most to comprehend such statistics. I've been involved in the environment since the cries from scientists in the 60's.

I just don't think many can wrap their minds around such overwhelming statistics. They don't know what to do other than recycling cans and plastics. It will take much more from those in power and the powerful are those who do the worst damage. If they don't come around, I cannot imagine, Ron. :((