Friday, May 23, 2014



"Memorialize, according to the dictionary definition, means to record lastingly with a monument. And pondering that definition brings up an intriguing question of philosophy and psychology. Why do we memorialize things and people? The answer to that question, undoubtedly, seems self-evident to many people. And it is probably because of that self-evidence, in fact, that a quick search of the Internet brings up little evidence that the issue has ever been seriously addressed by scholars or scientists. (Other than, that is, the common observation by experts in psychology that to memorialize a deceased loved-one is usually a healthy part of the typical grieving process. Despite this observation, however, psychologists have seemingly done little research into the question of exactly why it is that to memorialize is such an important part of grieving.) Apparently, it is just simple common sense that all of humanity has an innate desire, even emotional need; to stay connected with itself through the ages. To want to be remembered and to want to remember is, it seems, as natural a part of being human as are eating, drinking and sleeping.

The great Ancient Greek thinker Socrates often made reference to this phenomena when he talked about his ideas regarding education. He said, in a nutshell, that the soul of each man on Earth is an infinite force possibly a part of God that has roamed the universe forever and will continue roaming for eternity. And through this connection with all that is, ever was, and ever will be each soul knows everything that there is to know. The job of an earthly human, therefore, is to simply learn to remember all that his or her soul ever knew. That is the definition of education, according to Socrates. (And, in fact, scholars of English point out that the prefix - which typically means “again” – came to be added to “remember,” probably, because of the worldwide influence of Socrates' idea about education. The word holds Socrates' idea in its very denotation. To say that we are “re” - membering a thing, assumes that we have always known that thing.

So, to memorialize, is the most natural of human traditions besides being the most special."


Tribute to Fallen Soldiers



Anonymous said... is a great site. Thank you for posting it.

I'm thinking of my father, and still miss him very much, even after 11 years. I can still remember holding his hand when he'd take me to the store or park.

He served in Vietnam and never talked about it, although I think the experience brought him closer to us all.

Thank you again Petra. K. :)

petra michelle; Whose role is it anyway? said...

I can only imagine, K. My father served in the British Army after he'd been freed by them from a labor camp in Germany just as the war ended.

But he'd talk about it with other friends; sometimes even rant.

Hope you're having a wonderful holiday weekend! :))