Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Darfur Fundraising Has Started through 10/09/08

Enzie's painting is being auctioned on E-Bay beginning today through 10/09/08.
100% of auction proceeds will benefit UNHCR for the people of Darfur. If you have any questions, please contact Enzie at http://world-market-portraits.blogspot.com/ .

Thank you, Petra.


Maude Lynn said...

That's beautiful!

Webradio said...

Hello Petra Michelle !

I think like Mama Zen, it's beautiful...

"on a pas le droit de faire du mal à un enfant" !

A bientôt...

Enzie Shahmiri said...

Thanks again Petra for helping me in this fundraiser!



Webradio said...

Grrr... You have posted a comment on my blog, but I have "crash" this... Sorry... Can You do again it...

Melissa B. said...

Thanks for the tip & for the update. I'll definitely contribute! BTW, I've posted something today about the disappearance of the puzzling Blogstalker, who seems to have evaporated from Cyberspace. I notice that you're on his/her/its blogroll, so thought I'd touch base. Please drop by and weigh in on this mystery!